This project introduces students to construction drawing standards and calculations. Students will investigate and comprehend the applicability and complexities of drawing conventions and abilities as a form of communication in practice.
This assignment is an individual assignment which has 20% marks. We need to submit it on week 8, 10th June 2022.
We are required to draw 1-floor plan, 2 elevations, one section and 2 drawings for details. We need to follow the correct scale and symbols for this assignment.
All the current furniture needs to be included in our drawings by using basic drawing conventions. Besides that, we have to draw our own title block by using architectural fonts. All final drawings must be inked properly and scanned well to submit. We are encouraged to draw with a pencil first and then inked with felt-tip pens.
We are assigned to draw our room and detail. I decided to draw my bedroom and toilet as my detail.
At first, I measure the measurement of my bedroom and recorded them. Then I start drafting out the floor plan of my room. After I get the feedback from sir, I draw out the plan for elevations and sections.
The last step is to ink all my drawings.
During this assignment, I accidentally got covid but I was able to manage my time and my health to complete this assignment on time. I informed my lecturer when I tested positive and he understand my tough situation.
It was a tough time for me to complete this assignment while I got covid. My lecturer and my friends are so kind and understand me so well. They do help me a lot and give me mental support every time when I was down in mood. I was so glad that I am able to get through this and submit my assignment before the deadline. I do appreciate them so much.
When drawing the plans for my room, I faced some problems with the scale and symbols. Luckily, I was able to solve them with the help of the lecturer and friends. I was also able to solve the problem I faced which is I got covid during that time and was able to submit them on time.
Through these assignments, I need to learn on my own to understand more about the scale and symbols of my drawings. I refer back to lecture slides a lot to relearn.
I've learnt by doing research on the three prompts, as well as how to correctly use that information by using it as a guideline to delve deeper into its definition.